Sunday, February 24, 2008


I came across the great little website a year or so ago and fell in love with it.
I love it so much, I joined as an affiliate.

It has lots of great crafty projects, purses, clothing, embroidery, and more. All downloadable instructions in pdf form for a very reasonable fee.

I have purchased and made several items from there and just love it.

here is my link

you can view the website there.

It has the neatest, most hip ideas and projects available and know what else? They are so very easy, the instructions are very clear and precise and I just wanted to share this with you all.
So go check it out.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Soccer Mommy

This weekend we, well I , signed Emily up for soccer. Something new and exciting. A great way to run and play with other kids her age, and get out there in the sunshine, and have fun

Well, today we went to purchase her Soccer gear...shin guards, soccer knee socks, game shorts and soccer cleats....oh ya gotta see these soccer cleats. They are too cute... the picture is up above there, I couldnt figure out how to get it down here. LOL

She picked them out herself. Silver and pink by Nike. too cute. Although I was trying to push for the cheaper ones, she just had to have them. Ella tried to get Mommy to purchase her some cool, outerspace soccer shoes, as she called them.

She is so very proud of her silver and pink soccer cleats. And even picked out pink and silver shin guards...I told her, no one is going to see these because you wear them under your socks (so the sales associate tells us) but she said, that is okay if no one sees them, but they have to be the pink and silver ones. She also wanted orange soccer socks .. but I wouldnt allow that. LOL. I told her whatever her team jersey ends up to be, we will get matching socks for game days. So she seemed satisfied with that.

They pick teams next Saturday on the 23rd... and her first practice is on March 3rd (I hope someone calls me cause I have no idea what time to take her there)... and their first game is in 6 weeks from yesterday, Saturday . WoW. SO You can surely be positive that I will have some nice video shots of my girl playing soccer on here. So yep, It's official, I'm a Soccer Mommy.
Perhaps I should make me up a soccer mom shirt. LOL. put her name and number on the back. LOL. Hey, I can get away with it's when she gets older she will be be like "OMG, drop me off two miles away and don't walk to close to me, don't say my name, don't embarrass me, blah blah blah..... She is only 4 now, but these first 4 years have really gone by fast.
More to come soon on the soccer mom saga.....

My head was in the clouds...

I had no idea what my blog link was. And then I found it. In very small font written on my main SouthernBabies website. And then once I found my blog, ugh, I couldnt remember my login. YIKES .. okay, so now I am back on track. To say the least.

I think after I had my girls, although I gained two higly intelligent beings who are not only smart but very cute, I lost brain cells. LOL. It's like for each gray hair that comes in, I lose brain power. LOL.

But that's okay. Am back, have this all figured out now. And thanks to all the tips, I will try to post as often as I can. I am a talker, but what to talk about here, is beyond my imagination. heheh
